Category Blog

Public speaking is an essential skill

[English]Public speaking is the art of effectively delivering a message to an audience, whether large or small, through verbal communication. It goes beyond merely conveying information; it involves capturing the audience’s attention, conveying ideas persuasively, and inspiring or influencing them…

All about startup business​

[English]A startup business is a venture initiated by entrepreneurs to develop and bring innovative products, services, or solutions to the market. These enterprises are characterized by their dynamic and flexible nature, often operating in emerging industries and leveraging technology to…

Mental health is part of our life

[English]Mental health is a fundamental aspect of our overall well-being, encompassing emotional, psychological, and social factors that contribute to our cognitive functioning. It is not merely the absence of mental disorders, but rather a state of balance that allows individuals…

Why are electric vehicles gaining popularity?

[English] Electric vehicles (EVs) break away from conventional gasoline or diesel-powered engines, instead utilizing an electric motor driven by rechargeable batteries to operate. This eliminates the need for fossil fuels and promotes an eco-friendly mode of transportation. According to Statista,…

The rise of women in Tech

[English] Over the past few decades, the tech industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the growing presence and influence of women. Breaking through traditional barriers and stereotypes, women have been making significant strides in the world of technology, contributing…