Cambodian student’s excitement about TEDXPP

15 Jan

The first TEDx event is going to happen in Phnom Penh on February 5th. It will be awesome I think.  Top leadership people, IT professionals, important figures together in ten people will speak in the event, sharing knowledge and experiences. More surprisingly, TEDx has a unique topic about the idea to build a bright future of Cambodia. The idea TED is amazing; it is free to know something; to listen to your idol and top person speak.
I would love to access that information, technology, entertainment, design; the subjects I like. Why I let this event getting pass from me, I am now trying to get a ticket to join this special event. I would say there are very few kinds of idea-sharing events in Cambodia, besides Barcamp. At the first TEDx PhnomPenh will appear my favorite idol blogger Keo Kounila, the IT woman Channe Suy, who I find one of the
leading remarkable women in Cambodia. TEDx would be great if it can attract as many as young Cambodians to join this event. As for now, not many young people are as yet talking about what is TEDx, how it is? Almost 50% of Cambodians are young people. And to make a mark in Cambodia is to get through to young people. As one of the young people, what I want to hear from this event is the points to make changes in Cambodia, experts in the country and outside the country. We meet Hun Sen all the time through media, and we feel a strong need to meet other

Our waiting only adds to our excitement. I can’t wait to join.

By Chheng Lyta, sophomore at the Department of Media & Communication

3 Responses to “Cambodian student’s excitement about TEDXPP”

  1. deva ly 29. Jan, 2011 at 11:04 am #

    where can i get tickets?

  2. tedx 01. Feb, 2011 at 10:57 pm #

    I’m afraid all tickets have already been taken up, Deva! Make sure to stay in touch for next time though : )


  1. Tweets that mention Cambodian student’s excitement about TEDXPP | TEDxPhnomPenh -- - 17. Jan, 2011

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