Thy Rabie


Influencer, Digital Creator, MC

BIOGRAPHY   My name is Ra Bie. I graduated from Panasastra University of Cambodia majoring in International Relations. I was a valedictorian on my graduation day. Back in 2017, i was a debater and public speaker based in PUC Club. Currently, I am a video content creator, professional Emcee
and a founder of Sonya Studio. My passion is to make a video motivating folks in society to be aware of social issue and mental health issue as well as providing a helping hands to those in need. My dream is to see my small country and society grow in a strong spirit and well educated.

TALK TITLE   When you lose your mental health, you almost lose everything

TALK SUMMARY   When you lose your mental health, you almost lose everything even if you are a millionaire. You need good mental health in order for you to be able to balance all the aspects in your life. Every person is multi-faceted and has a lot on their plates to deal with. Every person has come across some form of traumatic incidents that they may have not made peace with. Every person is surrounded by people who are toxic or could potentially be affecting them in a negative way. Dealing with these matters and building a good mental health can really help you handle life and enjoy it!