Avi Yaron


Health Tech Entrepreneur, Inventor, Lecturer

BIOGRAPHY   A visionary entrepreneur & Executive Chairman, well versed in medical / Neuro technology. Invented, founded & led disruptive companies. Most notable, Visionsense, after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Israeli, 8200 lieutenant, BScEE, MSM. Lived in NJ/NY and CA in 2004-2013. Passionate about personalized predictive preventative solutions. Co-Founded Joy Ventures in 2016, HealthYA Ventures Lab in 2020 and Serendipity Ventures in 2024 – Investing & serving as Executive Chairman in disruptive HealthTech startups, targeting significant unmet needs.

TALK TITLE   Simple biohacking steps for better health

TALK SUMMARY   In a world full of stimulations, it is extremely challenging to stay focused. Long term objectives and intentions surrender to short term needs and desires. Our mental & physical health take a tall, in the long-term, from this lifestyle. As a result, most of us will live many years with diseases, dependant on drugs to eliminate symptoms. The question is can we do different? While it is very demanding to fight against our addictions to junk food, displays or social media, there are other options that I learned and would like to pass on. Simple doable steps, that don’t take time nor cost money and are proven to support our health & resiliency. I will share my personal journey, from a young guy that was diagnosed with a deep seated brain tumor, to refusing surgery, taking responsibility over my health, inventing the solution and revising my lifestyle, to a healthier one. In hope that others won’t follow my mistakes, I’m sharing my learnings.